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Due to the complex needs of some of our young people, our safeguarding practice is a central priority. We ensure we safeguard young people and staff by: 

  • Reviewing and regularly updating comprehensive safeguarding policies and procedures

  • Ensuring staff receive regular training on safeguarding and child protection issues, policies and procedures and managing behaviour

  • Having a designated Head of Safeguarding, who works closely with LADOs and our safeguarding partners

  • Having a Cause for Concern process which identifies young people at greatest risk and assesses, closely monitors and implements plans to manage risks

  • Operating robust risk assessment procedures for all young people

  • Completing case reviews when safeguarding incidents occur, in order to continually learn, improve practice and prevent further incidents

  • Working closely as a staff team and with other professionals, such as the Police, YOS, CAMHS, Social Workers and PAs

  • Providing CCTV in and/or outside our homes

  • Assessing risks at the point of referral for matching purposes in shared accommodation

Our staff are trained to use non-physical de-escalation techniques and are not permitted to restrain young people. Therefore, our services are not suitable for young people who present a high risk of physical aggression. 

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